Privacy Policy


  1. Etta Key is committed to protecting your privacy and maintaining the security of any personal information received from you. We strictly adhere to the requirements of the data protection legislation in the UK. The purpose of this statement is to explain to you what personal information we collect and how we may use it.
  2. We have published this privacy policy to help you understand:
  • How and why Etta Key collects information from you;
  • How we use your information;
  • What your rights are.
  1. If we make changes to this policy, we will notify you by updating it on our website.



  1. If you have completed a transaction with Etta Key or joined our mailing list, then we will hold some personal information about you.
  2. We will hold your information for transactional purposes, marketing purposes, and commercial analysis (anonymised).
  3. We do not collect special category data.


Purchases from Etta Key

  1. When you order, we need to know your name, shipping and billing addresses, phone number, email address and payment information. This “Order Information” allows us to process and fulfil your order, and to send you notifications regarding the status of your order. You have the option to withhold personal information that is not required for the order process.
  2. Aside from order and customer service notifications, we will only contact you if you have consented to marketing and other communications.
  3. We do not sell, rent or exchange (share) your personal information with any third party for commercial reasons, beyond the essential requirement for transactional purposes and credit/debit card validation during purchase.
  4. We follow strict security procedures in the storage and disclosure of information which you have given us, to prevent unauthorised access in accordance with the UK data protection legislation.


Third parties and payment processing

  1. We use Shopify to power our online store. You can read more about how Shopify uses your Personal Information here:
  2. We use Google Analytics to help us understand how our customers use our website. For more information, please read the section on Cookies.
  3. Third Party Payment Processor. We use third party payment processors, Shopify Payments and PayPal (according to customer preference), for all payments. Etta Key does not store credit card details and instead relies on these payment processors for this. In connection with the processing of such payments, we do not retain any personally identifiable information or any financial information such as credit card numbers. Rather, all such information is provided directly to our third party processors, Shopify Payments and PayPal, whose use of your personal information is governed by their privacy policy, which may be viewed here for Shopify Payments and here for PayPal
  4. We may also share your Personal Information to comply with applicable laws and regulations, to respond to a subpoena, search warrant or other lawful request for information we receive, or to otherwise protect our rights.


Marketing communications

  1. If you sign up for our newsletter, which is administered through Mailchimp, or if you register for Mailchimp through our site, we will store some of your information, including your email address, IP address and certain information about the links you click within the emails we send you, on a Mailchimp server. Neither we nor Mailchimp will ever sell your email address or share it with any other party, unless we are legally compelled to do so. If you contact Mailchimp directly regarding your subscription to our newsletter, Mailchimp may contact you directly; otherwise, Mailchimp will never contact you. Only authorised Mailchimp employees have access to our subscriber list. You are always free to unsubscribe from our newsletter, but as long as you are registered with Etta Key's newsletter we may use Mailchimp to send you information about your account. Mailchimp's privacy policy may be viewed here:
  2. We may use your Personal Information to provide you with targeted advertisements or marketing communications we believe may be of interest to you. For more information about how targeted advertising works, you can visit the Network Advertising Initiative’s (“NAI”) educational page at To read more about this and see how you can opt out, please read the “Cookies, Tracking and Advertisements” section below.



  1. UK data protection legislation states that we may only use and share your personal data where we have a proper reason to do so. The law says we must have one or more of the following reasons:
  • Contract | Your personal information is processed in order to fulfil a contractual arrangement
  • Consent | You have agreed for us to use your information
  • Legitimate interest | Etta Key’s interests in managing our business to provide you with products and services in the most appropriate way
  1. A summary of our use of your information is shown in the table below.


User data


Your personal information is used to track information on order details and your user account (if you opted to create one).

Order processing


Your personal information is used in order to fulfil your purchase.

Order notifications

Legitimate interest

Your personal information is used in order to send you notification on the status of your order.

Customer service

Legitimate interest

Your personal information is used in order to provide you with customer service (usually after instigation by you).

Purchase follow up

Legitimate interest

Your personal information is used to follow up with you on your purchase (mailing list opt-ins only).

Marketing communications

Legitimate interest

Your personal information is used to notify you about products, services, ideas, news and offers that may be of interest to you (mailing list opt-ins and anonymised advertising only).

Logistics & business growth

Legitimate interest

Your personal information is anonymised and used to help us analyse demand, products bought and volumes, and plan future products.



  1. We will hold information relating to transactions (purchases) for a period of four years (reviewed and deleted at the end of each financial year). Exceptions to this are:
    • If the law requires us to hold your personal information for longer, or delete it sooner;
    • You exercise your right to have the information erased, and we do not need it in relation to any reasons required by law;
    • We bring or defend a legal claim or other proceedings during the period we retain your personal information.
    1. We will hold information relating to marketing communications (e.g. Mailchimp) for as long as you opt to be a subscriber. If you unsubscribe, your personal data will be removed and we will no longer have access to it.



    1. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (2018), individuals have the following rights:
      • Right to be informed. You have a right to know how and why your personal data is being processed. This privacy notice details how we use your information.
      • Right of access. You have a right to ask us for a copy of all the information we hold about you.
      • Right to rectification. You have a right to correct your information if it is factually incorrect. You can do this directly in your Account, or contact us to make a change.
      • Right to erasure. You have a right to ask us to delete or remove your personal data.
      • Right to restriction of processing. You have a right to stop businesses from processing your personal data.
      • Right to data portability. You have a right to obtain and re-use your personal data for your own benefit.
      • Right to object. You have a right to object to the processing of your personal data. If you think that we are using your data inappropriately, please get in touch with us to tell us why.

      If you would like any further  information from us, or to make any requests, please contact us via

      1. If you believe your personal information has been used in a way that does not comply with data regulation, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
      2. For more detail on your rights, please visit the Information Commissioner’s Office.



      • We do not collect sensitive information about you except when you specifically knowingly provide it. In order to maintain the accuracy of our database, you can check, update or remove your personal details by contacting us or logging into your account.
      • When you browse Etta Key, we automatically collect some information about your device, including information about your web browser, IP address, time zone, and some of the cookies that are installed on your device. Additionally, as you browse the Site, we collect information about the individual web pages or products you view, what websites or search terms referred you to the Site, and information about how you interact with the Site. We refer to this automatically-collected information as “Device Information”. We collect Device Information using the following technologies:
      • “Cookies” are data files that are placed on your device or computer and often include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are small text files that are created by a web server and stored on your computer when you visit a website. They don’t do anything i.e. they are not executable code and can only be read by (you and) the website that created them. You can view and edit the cookies on your computer like any other text file using a text editor (the contents are usually just strings of unique identifiers and date/timestamps). The website that created the cookie can read the contents when you are at their website.
      • Cookies are widely used across the internet: you may have hundreds of cookies on your computer at any one time. Each browser has its own set of cookies so, if you run multiple browsers, you will have multiple sets of cookies on your computer.
      • Many websites use cookies to improve your browsing experience e.g. remember your log-in details, record which items you have selected to purchase, or even tailor what content is displayed depending on your preferences. Cookies can also be used to record ‘analytics’ data i.e. which web pages you visit, whether or not you arrived at the web page by clicking on an advertisement or an affiliated website. Many websites find the collection of analytics data valuable in improving the quality and content of their web sites. For more information about cookies, and how to disable cookies, visit
      • “Log files” track actions occurring on the Site, and collect data including your IP address, browser type, Internet service provider, referring/exit pages, and date/time stamps.
      • “Web beacons”, “tags”, and “pixels” are electronic files used to record information about how you browse the Site.
      • We use some tools, including Facebook tools and Google Analytics, that may use cookies, web beacons, and other storage technologies to collect or receive information from your websites and elsewhere on the internet and use that information to provide measurement services and target ads. You can opt out of targeted advertising by using the links below:
      • Other tools you can use to opt-out of the collection and use of information for ad targeting by using tools such as those provided by, and by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out portal at:
      • Google Analytics collects information anonymously: it reports website trends without identifying individual visitors. We use this data to create a variety of reports on where and how visitors are engaging with our website; it’s really helpful for us to see statistical data about users’ browsing actions, patterns and interests and it helps us to improve our website. You can opt out of Google Analytics without affecting how you visit our site. For more information about opting out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all the websites you use, please visit You can also opt-out of Google Analytics here:
      • In the past, cookies have had some bad press. Much was due to a general misunderstanding of what cookies are and how they work but some was due to justifiable privacy concerns relating to 3rd party tracking cookies. These cookies are used by advertising websites and track a web user across multiple sites. The good news is that all modern browsers allow you to easily block 3rd party cookies.
      • All the major browsers allow you to block cookies and delete those that have already been created on your computer, usually within the ‘Tools’ section of the browser. These tools allow you to specify which cookies you will accept by type and often by specific websites using an exception list e.g. you can block all cookies and then list the website from which you will accept cookies. There are also a wide choice of browser add-ins that you can install if you wish greater control over persistent cookies.


      1. In order to process credit/debit card transactions, the bank or card processing agency may require to verify your personal details for authorisation outside the EEA (European Economic Area). 
      2. We may update this privacy policy from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to our practices or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons.
      3. If you have any questions about privacy please contact us via